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Highcliffe Medical Centre takes part in research commissioned by the NHS to help improve patient care and treatment.

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Why is Highcliffe Medical Centre taking part in research studies? 

Research trials are being conducted throughout the NHS and have helped us to understand more about disease prevention, treatment, and cure. Running research in GP practices is essential to further develop medical understanding and improve healthcare for patients now and also for future generations.

What could I be asked to do if I take part in a research trial? 

Each trial conducted looks at a particular area of healthcare. You may be asked to complete questionnaires, take part in interviews, collect information about certain conditions to learn more about them, or trial a new intervention or treatment, or any combination of the above!

Taking part in research is completely voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from any study at any time if you feel it is not right for you. This would not impact any of the medical care you receive.

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Eligibility and Taking Part

If you might be eligible to take part in a research trial we are running, we may contact you by sending you a text message, phoning you, or sending you some information in the post about the trial. Taking part in any research trial is completely voluntary, and it will not impact your care. You can also withdraw from a research trial at any time if you feel it is not right for you. If you would be interested in taking part in any of the below studies, please contact the practice.

The current studies we are recruiting to are:

TOUCAN (Currently closed for recruitment)

The TOUCAN study (plaTform fOr Uti diagnostiC evaluation) is being sponsored by the University of Oxford. 

The study is testing new devices that aim to tell GPs whether you have a urinary tract infection.


This surgery is supporting the ATHENA shingles study. We want to find out if taking amitriptyline can prevent the persistent pain that some people get after shingles.

50 years or older and recently got shingles? You may be able to take part. Ask your doctor for more information.


This surgery is supporting the TIGER study. The TIGER (Trial of food allergy (IgE) tests for Eczema Relief) is being sponsored by the University of Bristol.

It is trying to find out if making changes to the diet of children with eczema, based on the results of food allergy tests, improves their eczema control or not.


The COACH trial (COmpAring Cochlear implants with Hearing aids in adults with severe hearing loss) is breaking new ground. This research is investigating whether cochlear implants or hearing aids work better for patients in a target group.

The target group of patients in this research are adults with severe hearing loss who do not meet the NHS criteria for a cochlear implant but who are close to meeting those criteria. Audiologists at 9 hospitals across the UK are supporting this study.


A randomised controlled trial to
explore knowledge, views and behaviours surrounding inhaler selection a whether knowledge of the carbon footprint of inhalers is important to patients.

This study is looking to better understand patients awareness of the environmental impact of inhalers, the importance of the carbon footprint of inhalers and how this information should be made available.

Discover our significant research studies and their findings

TRIUMPH: Treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in men in primary care using a conservative intervention: cluster randomised controlled trial. Read the study.

OPTIMISE: OPtimising Treatment for MIld Systolic hypertension in the Elderly. Read the study.

HOME BP: Home and Online Management and Evaluation of Blood Pressure (HOME BP) using a digital intervention in poorly controlled hypertension. Read the study.